Delaney McDonough

Delaney McDonough is a maker, producer, and arts administrator based in Brooklyn, NY. Delaney’s performed for Heidi Henderson (CT), Hana van der Kolk (NY), Asher Woodworth (ME), Annie Kloppenberg (ME), and collaborated with Hanna Satterlee (VT), Cookie Harrist (CA), Tommy Arsenault (VT), and Sara Gibbons (NY) among others. Presenters include Vermont Performance Lab (VT), Studio 303 (Montreal), Motion Pacific (CA), SALTA (CA), AUNTS (NY), Denmark Arts Center (ME), and Marlboro College (VT). During her time in Maine from 2013-2017, Delaney crafted dozens of performance events with collaborators ages 4-80 in schools, gyms, grange halls, docks, barns, and convenience stores. Currently, Delaney is company manager for Jody Oberfelder Projects and production manager for Lion’s Jaw Dance & Performance Festival (Cambridge, MA), Fresh Festival (San Fransisco, CA), and NOGO Arts (Brooklyn, NY)