Frank Giampietro
Frank Giampietro is the author of Begin Anywhere (Alice James Books, 2008) and co-author of Spandrel (Small Craft Advisory Press 2011) with Denise Bookwalter and Book O’ Tondos (The Painters Left, 2010) with Megan Marlatt. He is the creator of the web poetry projects La Fovea and Poems by Heart. His poems, nonfiction, and short-short fiction have appeared in journals including 32 Poems, Barrow Street, Black Warrior, Copper Nickel, FENCE, Ninth Letter, and Ploughshares. Giampietro earned his PhD in English from Florida State University and was the 2010-2012 resident scholar at The Southern Review. He served as Interim Director of the Cleveland State University Poetry Center and Visiting Assistant Professor of English at Cleveland State University from 2012 to 2014. Currently he lives and writes in western Maine.